The Lies of Busyness Part 2: “Work and Ambition Are Wrong.”

The Lies of Busyness Part 2: “Work and Ambition Are Wrong.”

Martha & Mary (Luke 10:38-42)

We live in a Martha world where we fight for Mary moments.

Jesus invites us to live in a Mary world with Martha moments.


Why did Jesus challenge Martha about her view on work?

Martha has poor timing. (EC. 3:9-11) There are two rhythms to following Jesus: service and reflection. (Giving and receiving/work and rest.)


Martha is Distracted. (LK. 10:40) We do for God and forget to be with God. We miss opportunities. Try and see the world through Jesus’ eyes…


Martha has a problem with comparison.Be tolerant of others and strict with yourself.” Instead of complaining, what if you stopped and considered…


Work & Ambition are NOT wrong…

Timing. There is a time to work and a time to sit at Jesus’ feet. You are allowed to enjoy both, each in their own time!


Distraction. Don’t become so distracted that you miss out what, or who, is really important. In God’s kingdom, loving one another trumps any other agenda.


Comparison. Don’t compare your service to someone else’s devotion. Both are equally important. Both need rhythms of work and rest.


Many of us live in a Martha world where we fight to get Mary moments, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.

What would have to change for you to live in a Mary world with Martha moments?