The Lies of Busyness Part 3: “There Aren’t Enough Hours In The Day!”

The Lies of Busyness Part 3: “There Aren’t Enough Hours In The Day!”

“There Aren’t Enough Hours in The Day!”

Has time turned into a tyrant for you?


Why Do We Get Into Trouble with Time?

We get in trouble because of our egos. We overload our schedules to soothe our ego.


-We get in trouble because we waste time avoiding important things. Sometimes we waste good time on bad pursuits.


-We get in trouble because we are greedy. Beware of a constant lust for “more”.


-We get in trouble because we can’t say “no”. Saying yes to things because we are afraid to let people down is a quick way to get in trouble with time. Church culture is no exception.


It’s Okay to Say “NO”!

Acts 6:1-7- Despite the fact that the apostles said “no”, the Gospel still got preached and the widows still got fed.


God Holds Your Time, And Your Life, In His Hands.

Job 38:4,12- God will accomplish through you and I what He needs to accomplish in the time we have available. Do your BEST and leave the REST up to God!

How Can You Do Your Best with Your Time?

Psalm 90:12 “…teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”

EPH.5:15-17- “…be very careful how you live—not as unwise but as wise, taking advantage of every opportunity, because the days are evil… be wise by understanding what the Lord’s will is.”

 Practical Wisdom for Time Strapped People!

-Reign in your morning.

-Make a list. Work your list. Check stuff off.

-Some interruptions are actually appointments. (Martha AND Mary Moments)

-Plan your evening as well as your day.

-Ask God for wisdom. (What is God’s will for YOUR day?)

This week, what if you took a few minutes each evening to prayerfully plan the next day ahead?