Sermons on Matthew

Sermons on Matthew

Corinthian Commands Part 4: Be Strong!

“Be on your guard; Stand firm in the faith; Be men of courage; Be strong. Do everything in love.” 1Corinthians 16 v13,14   We Cannot Rely On Our Own Strength! Isaiah 40 v30; Psalm 20 v7,8; 1 Corinthians 1 v8-9 Even strong people – survivors and overcomers- encounter things they cannot face alone. Hope In The Lord = Strong In The Lord Ephesians 6 v10; Psalm 20 v6; Isaiah 40 v31. “There are no hopeless situations; there are only people who…

If God is in control, why do we pray?

Dear Abby, AMEN. “I struggle with praying for what I want because I know, in the end, God’s plan will prevail anyways… he knows better than me because he’s sovereign… Isn’t it pointless for me to pray for what I want?”   Determinism, Fatalism & Providence. The Creator of the universe INVITES US to ask him to do things that we think would be good for the glory of His name, and for the good of the world. God does…

THE LIES OF BUSYNESS Part 4: “I Don’t Have Time To Rest!”

Loosen Your Bow! A permanently bent bow may break. You and I are just like that. We all need time to rest.   God’s Word, and God’s World, Both Include Rest. GEN 2:3. God “rested from all His work”. Mark 2:27 “Then Jesus said to them, ‘The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath’”   Why Rest? Rest is worship. (GEN 2:2, Mark 6:31, PS 46:10) Rest is…

The Lies of Busyness Part 1: My Busyness Pleases God

THE LIES OF BUSYNESS Part 1: My Busyness Pleases God How Are You? BUSY! Our World Worships Busyness Ps 39:6 Man is a mere phantom as he goes to and fro: He bustles about, but only in vain; he heaps up wealth, not knowing who will get it. The last thing I want is for most of my life to be pointless in the scope of eternity, but the truth is that much of my busy rushing is pretty pointless.…

Advent 4: Love Arrives

Advent 4: Love Arrives Hope Is an anchor for our soul, and that anchor is Jesus. God will keep his promises because he kept his promise when Jesus arrived.   Peace is offered to us at a great sacrifice, Jesus became our Emmanuel, God with us. The very presence of God is peace for us.   Joy arrives when Jesus arrives because He is our whole life. In Him we live and move and have our being. Joy is a…

The Minor Prophets: Zechariah: Git ‘er done!

Zechariah: Git ‘er done. Get To Know Zecheriah Zechariah means “Jehovah Remembers”. He was born in Babylon and was among the Hebrews who returned from the Exile. Setting The Stage See Ezra & Nehemiah! Twenty years after the return of the exiles to Jerusalem, the temple still lay a blackened ruin. God’s Story In Zecheriah Next to Isaiah, Zechariah carries the most Messianic prophecies. The meek King (Zech. 9:9, Matt. 21:5; John 12:13). The One sold for thirty pieces of…

Minor Prophets: Micah: Back to Basics

Micah: Back to the Basics  Get To Know Micah. Micah’s name means, “Who is like Yahweh?” He was an ordinary working-class guy who sympathized for the plight of the ordinary working-class people around him. A true prophet of God, he uncovered sin and pointed to the coming Messiah.  Setting The Stage: Micah Assyrian taxation, corrupt religion, apathy of the privileged.  God’s Story In Micah. Back to Bethlehem. Back to Peace with God. Back to Ethical Righteousness.  Micah Speaks Today. God…

Don’t Fear The Chisel! Part 3: Baggage

12 views Streamed live on 23 Jul 2023 Don’t Fear the Chisel! 3 things will hurt when God applies the chisel… #1. Pride #2. Comfort #3. Baggage Pride Recap. James 4:6 – God’s resistance or God’s assistance! Allow God to chisel away our pride and teach us humility. Comfort Recap. Being Uncomfortable compels us to reach out to God, causes us to reach out to one another, connects us to the suffering of others, cements our character, confirms we still…