Sermons on Psalms

Sermons on Psalms

Special Guest Speaker: Judy Hodgins

Drug addiction to her son’s life. Cancer tried to take hers. But on the other side of grief, God had something wonderful in store….

Hello My Name Is: “Almighty”

Psalm 9:10: “…Those who know your name put their trust in you.” The First Setback Have you ever been in a place where you feel God is about to bring about a miraculous experience or breakthrough in your life, only to be met with a heartbreaking setback? Exodus 6:1, “Then the LORD said to Moses, “Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh: Because of my mighty hand he will let them go; because of my mighty hand…

THE LIES OF BUSYNESS Part 5: “I Have To Fix This All By Myself.”

The Lies of Busyness Recap: 1.”My Busyness Pleases God.” (Build activity around Godly values, not just worldly demands.) 2.”Work and ambition are wrong.” (We want to live in a Mary world with Martha moments, not the other way around.) 3.”There aren’t enough hours in a day.” (Ask God for a heart of wisdom in ordering your days.) 4.”I don’t have time to rest.” (Rest is obedience, worship and trust.) Lie #5: I have to fix this all by myself. Good…

THE LIES OF BUSYNESS Part 4: “I Don’t Have Time To Rest!”

Loosen Your Bow! A permanently bent bow may break. You and I are just like that. We all need time to rest.   God’s Word, and God’s World, Both Include Rest. GEN 2:3. God “rested from all His work”. Mark 2:27 “Then Jesus said to them, ‘The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath’”   Why Rest? Rest is worship. (GEN 2:2, Mark 6:31, PS 46:10) Rest is…

The Lies of Busyness Part 3: “There Aren’t Enough Hours In The Day!”

“There Aren’t Enough Hours in The Day!” Has time turned into a tyrant for you?   Why Do We Get Into Trouble with Time? –We get in trouble because of our egos. We overload our schedules to soothe our ego.   -We get in trouble because we waste time avoiding important things. Sometimes we waste good time on bad pursuits.   -We get in trouble because we are greedy. Beware of a constant lust for “more”.   -We get in…

Brand New Year, Same Old Me.

God Gives Us A Do-Over Every New Year! Here’s some reasons why resolutions often fail… We’re Stuck in the Shallow End We focus on external change before we address internal issues. (Psalm 32:3) “I am convinced that healing is often so difficult because we don’t want to know the pain.”-Nouwen When God transforms our inner life to be beautiful; our outer life, our choices and our actions will also become beautiful. We Are Lone Rangers Don’t try to do it…

Advent 3: Joy Arrives!

Advent 3: Joy Arrives! I’m Not Happy with Happiness… Happiness is fickle; can be ruined by a flat tire or a rainy day – circumstantial. Happiness is elusive; it seems the more you try and get it, the harder it is to find. Happiness is fleeting; You can be happy today but it doesn’t seem to last. Happiness is often rooted in the flesh; it’s fickle, elusive and fleeting nature reflects all we are as humans. Joy – Something Different,…

Minor Prophets: Micah: Back to Basics

Micah: Back to the Basics  Get To Know Micah. Micah’s name means, “Who is like Yahweh?” He was an ordinary working-class guy who sympathized for the plight of the ordinary working-class people around him. A true prophet of God, he uncovered sin and pointed to the coming Messiah.  Setting The Stage: Micah Assyrian taxation, corrupt religion, apathy of the privileged.  God’s Story In Micah. Back to Bethlehem. Back to Peace with God. Back to Ethical Righteousness.  Micah Speaks Today. God…

Prayer: Why We Believe Better Than We Behave

Prayer: We Believe Better Than We Behave! John R. Mott & Jesus “More important than the most earnest thinking about a problem, more important than a personal interview to influence an individual, more important than addressing and swaying an audience – far more important than these and all other forms of activity is the act of coming into vital communion with God. It is indeed true that he that saves his time for prayer shall lose it. And he that…

Prayer Tune Into God

Prayer: Tune in To God! Have you ever noticed the way the disciples approached Christ in the Gospels and the way they approached Him in the book of Acts? For good reason, Jesus never acted on what they asked of Him. But when you turn to the book of Acts, you find a completely different focus in their lives and in their prayers. What made the difference? See: Acts 4:7-30 These men had an encounter with the risen victorious Christ.…