"busyness" Tagged Sermons

"busyness" Tagged Sermons

THE LIES OF BUSYNESS Part 5: “I Have To Fix This All By Myself.”

The Lies of Busyness Recap: 1.”My Busyness Pleases God.” (Build activity around Godly values, not just worldly demands.) 2.”Work and ambition are wrong.” (We want to live in a Mary world with Martha moments, not the other way around.) 3.”There aren’t enough hours in a day.” (Ask God for a heart of wisdom in ordering your days.) 4.”I don’t have time to rest.” (Rest is obedience, worship and trust.) Lie #5: I have to fix this all by myself. Good…

The Lies of Busyness Part 2: “Work and Ambition Are Wrong.”

Martha & Mary (Luke 10:38-42) We live in a Martha world where we fight for Mary moments. Jesus invites us to live in a Mary world with Martha moments.   Why did Jesus challenge Martha about her view on work? Martha has poor timing. (EC. 3:9-11) There are two rhythms to following Jesus: service and reflection. (Giving and receiving/work and rest.)   Martha is Distracted. (LK. 10:40) We do for God and forget to be with God. We miss opportunities. Try…

The Lies of Busyness Part 1: My Busyness Pleases God

THE LIES OF BUSYNESS Part 1: My Busyness Pleases God How Are You? BUSY! Our World Worships Busyness Ps 39:6 Man is a mere phantom as he goes to and fro: He bustles about, but only in vain; he heaps up wealth, not knowing who will get it. The last thing I want is for most of my life to be pointless in the scope of eternity, but the truth is that much of my busy rushing is pretty pointless.…