Sermons on Colassians

Sermons on Colassians

Not Done Yet Part 4:Why You Should Stay II

NDY1: Why people “Get done’ with church. Identity Crisis, Messy Church, Falling Away. Maybe you are being called to be the very thing you are searching for. NDY2: Why church matters. Church is not something you attend, it’s someone you are. The church is God’s idea. It’s a supernatural, amazing organism that is part of God’s plan to bring about His will and his Kingdom in this world. NDY3: Why You Should Stay. 1. A step out of church =…

*Hello, My Name Is: I AM

“…Those who know your name put their trust in you.” Psalm 9:10 Names are important! “SHELDON” GOD names Himself. LORD = YHWH My Lord = Adonai The Revelation of YHWH: Exodus 3:13-15 “I AM WHO I AM.” “I AM has sent me to you.” “Yahweh has sent (Moses) to you . . . this is my name forever.” “I AM WHO I AM”? 1. God Exists. ”God is there.” (HEB 11:6) 2. No Reality Exists Behind God. “The uncaused cause.”…

The Minor Prophets-Obadiah: Sins of the Brothers

Get to Know Obadiah Obadiah means “Servant of the Lord”. A prophecy to Edom – Esau’s descendants.   Setting the Stage: Obadiah The history of the conflict between Jacob & Esau, reason for the hostility. (Genesis 25:29-34)   God’s Story In Obadiah Edom’s actions and God’s response. (Ob. 1:10-14)   Obadiah Speaks Today The problem of pride. (Pr. 16:18-19, 8:13) Edom’s biggest downfall was their pride and arrogance. What did Jesus say about pride? (Lk. 18:14) What does scripture tell…