Sermons on Isaiah

Sermons on Isaiah

Special Guest Speaker: Judy Hodgins

Drug addiction to her son’s life. Cancer tried to take hers. But on the other side of grief, God had something wonderful in store….

If God is in control, why do we pray?

Dear Abby, AMEN. “I struggle with praying for what I want because I know, in the end, God’s plan will prevail anyways… he knows better than me because he’s sovereign… Isn’t it pointless for me to pray for what I want?”   Determinism, Fatalism & Providence. The Creator of the universe INVITES US to ask him to do things that we think would be good for the glory of His name, and for the good of the world. God does…

The Other Side Of The Cross

Join our guest speaker Sharon Blais as we leave the Easter Season. Whats on the other side of the cross?

Easter Sunday: Christ is Risen and He is Our Savior for Life!

Easter Sunday: Savior for Life Palm Sunday: Jesus is Here – the Savior has Come. ZEC 9:9 “Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” When did Jesus first show up in your life? Good Friday: Jesus is Our Savior from Death. (ISA 53:6, ROM 5:8-9, EPH 1:7-8, HEB 10:19-22, 10.) 2 COR 5:21…

Hello My Name Is: “Hallowed”

Psalm 9:10 Those who know your name will trust in you.     Hallowed: The Lord’s Prayer and the Name of God  Matthew 6:5-15 “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.” The word “hallow” means sanctify: “to make or treat as holy.’   What Does It Mean to HALLOW God’s name? Believe Him. – Numbers 20:12, Ps.9:10 Fear Him. – Isaiah 8:12–13, Psalm 118 Obey Him – Leviticus 22:31–32, 1 John 5:2-3, John 13:34 Glorify Him –  Leviticus…

*Hello, My Name Is: I AM

“…Those who know your name put their trust in you.” Psalm 9:10 Names are important! “SHELDON” GOD names Himself. LORD = YHWH My Lord = Adonai The Revelation of YHWH: Exodus 3:13-15 “I AM WHO I AM.” “I AM has sent me to you.” “Yahweh has sent (Moses) to you . . . this is my name forever.” “I AM WHO I AM”? 1. God Exists. ”God is there.” (HEB 11:6) 2. No Reality Exists Behind God. “The uncaused cause.”…

Advent 2: Peace Arrives.

Finished with Peace Behold: The FINISHER! Peace is Hard to Find. It’s hard to find peace when there’s chaos or trouble all around you. Most of us understand that things like peace and freedom and harmony are precious and a gift from God. Also, most of us understand that precious things like peace are not cheap – they can be costly. Peace requires real work in a fallen, sinful world. Peace requires the work of God in our fallen, sinful…

Prayer: Why We Believe Better Than We Behave

Prayer: We Believe Better Than We Behave! John R. Mott & Jesus “More important than the most earnest thinking about a problem, more important than a personal interview to influence an individual, more important than addressing and swaying an audience – far more important than these and all other forms of activity is the act of coming into vital communion with God. It is indeed true that he that saves his time for prayer shall lose it. And he that…

Prayer Tune Into God

Prayer: Tune in To God! Have you ever noticed the way the disciples approached Christ in the Gospels and the way they approached Him in the book of Acts? For good reason, Jesus never acted on what they asked of Him. But when you turn to the book of Acts, you find a completely different focus in their lives and in their prayers. What made the difference? See: Acts 4:7-30 These men had an encounter with the risen victorious Christ.…
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