Sermons from September 2023

Sermons from September 2023

Amos: A Country Bumpkin vs. The Cows of Bashan

Amos: A Country Bumpkin vs. The Cows of Bashan Texts: The Book of Amos, 1 Kings 11 &12. Get To Know Amos Redneck prophet: shepherd and fig farmer. God sent Amos north to warn Israel about God’s coming judgement. Setting The Stage Jeroboam II was king. (1 Kings 11 &12) Israel was thriving but full of idolatry and sin. God’s Story In Amos Israel is in God’s Crosshairs. (Amos 2) Israel’s hypocrisy. (Amos 5:21-23) Amos reminds Israel that God chose…

Joel: The Night Of The Locusts/The Day Of The Lord

Joel: Night of the Locusts & Day of the Lord Main Text: The Book of Joel Prophets 101 -What is a prophet? A spokesman for God… -“Forth-tellers” or foretellers? -Now, but not yet. The 3 Biblical Tests for a Prophet. 1. Theological Test: Does it line up with the character and Word of God? Mt. 24:24-25 2. Moral Test: Does the prophet’s life and teaching turn people from evil? Jer. 23:14 3. Practical Test: Did it come true? Practical Practice…

Hosea: God’s Broken Marriage, The Minor Prophets

Get to Know Hosea Hosea the son of Beeri is the first of the Minor Prophets. Setting the Stage Hosea 4:1-2 God’s Story in Hosea -God tells Hosea to take an unfaithful woman as a wife. Hosea 1:2-3 -God Names Hosea’s kids after Israel’s Unfaithfulness. • Jezreel “God sows/Judgement” (2 Kings 10) • Lo-ruhamah “One who never knew a father’s love” (Deut. 6) • Lo-ammi “one not belonging to me” -Hosea buys back his bride. Hosea 3:1-4 Hosea Still Speaks…

The Letter from God – Jeremiah 29

The Letter from God – Jeremiah 29 The End of the World (2 Kings 24-25, Lamentations 4) The dream is over – the promised land is a smoking ruin. Paradise Lost Exile: Someone banished or forced from their country or home by force. (Micah 3:12, 2 Kings 21:13-14) Despite all that, God still loves them. The Letter: Increase, do not decrease. (29:4-6) In time, God sends the exiles a letter through his prophet Jeremiah. He tells them to be fruitful…