THE LIES OF BUSYNESS Part 5: “I Have To Fix This All By Myself.”

THE LIES OF BUSYNESS Part 5: “I Have To Fix This All By Myself.”

The Lies of Busyness Recap: 1.”My Busyness Pleases God.” (Build activity around Godly values, not just worldly demands.) 2.”Work and ambition are wrong.” (We want to live in a Mary world with Martha moments, not the other way around.) 3.”There aren’t enough hours in a day.” (Ask God for a heart of wisdom in ordering your days.) 4.”I don’t have time to rest.” (Rest is obedience, worship and trust.) Lie #5: I have to fix this all by myself. Good News: You don’t have to do this all on your own… Do this ONE THING first… Phil 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Paul’s Credibility… Biblical Precedent: PS 50:15, 1 PET 5:6-7, James 5:13a Paul says he is about to be “poured out like a drink offering.” Under house arrest, he is awaiting trial in Rome, his life in the balance. He writes a letter to a church with troubles of their own: Poverty, persecution, false teachers and internal conflict. What do tyrants do? Busyness has two TYRANT friends: worry and anxiety. Tyrants: cruel, oppressive, remove peace and happiness, suspend the rule of law and order and justice. Tyrants betray and rip off the very people they should help. Usually, one person can’t remove a tyrant on their own strength. You can’t fix busyness and anxiety on your own. “Don’t be split apart by anxiety. Come to God.” For the Christian, the journey out of anxiety into peace is grounded in prayer. (Philippians 4:6,7). “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. It’s a lie of busyness to think that you have to fix all this stuff on your own. God is present to guide you and strengthen you more than you could understand. Discussion Questions Describe a time where you were the most nervous/anxious. How did you get through it? Thoughts create feelings. Unfortunately, thoughts are not always accurate, truthful, helpful or to be believed. If we can correct our thoughts, our feelings should follow. How does this fit with Paul’s exhortation to pray when we are troubled? Busyness and anxiety can become a habit. How could the practice of prayer and quietness break those habits? (Martha Moments vs. Mary Moments?)