Don’t Fear The Chisel! Part 3: Baggage

Don’t Fear The Chisel! Part 3: Baggage

Don’t Fear the Chisel! 3 things will hurt when God applies the chisel… #1. Pride #2. Comfort #3. Baggage Pride Recap. James 4:6 – God’s resistance or God’s assistance! Allow God to chisel away our pride and teach us humility. Comfort Recap. Being Uncomfortable compels us to reach out to God, causes us to reach out to one another, connects us to the suffering of others, cements our character, confirms we still have far to go. Allow God’s chisel to jolt us out of the rut of comfortable complacency. Baggage Makers: -Hurtful words & hurt feelings. -Jealousy, envy & comparison. -Habitual sin & unhealthy coping tools. -Parents/Partners/Pals Unhealthy Ways We Deal with Baggage: -Try and juggle everything. -Dump it on others. -Buy MORE bags! God’s Word Helps Us Deal with Baggage Remember: God Doesn’t Make Garbage- Romans 8:1-7 God Rescues Us from Guilt and Shame- John 8:7-11, Matt. 11:28-30 Get Rid of It! – Matthew 6:14,15 Don’t Pick it up Again- Ro 8:12-17, Eph. 5:17-18 Don’t fear the chisel! It’s wielded by a God who created you, knows you and loves you. He wants you to drop damaging pride, selfish comfort and excess baggage. It’s the awesome work of God in your life!