Sermons by Pastor Dwane Parsons (Page 2)

Sermons by Pastor Dwane Parsons (Page 2)

5 Things God NEVER Said

Part 1: “If you don’t know the date you were saved, then you are not saved.” Who are you __________ right now? (John 3 v16) The Biggest Event In Your Life The Ethiopian Eunuch’s big event! (Acts 8 v26-39) As long as you’re trusting in Christ alone, you are saved, regardless of ________ you crossed that line. Sometimes We Don’t “Feel” Saved. The fact that you are ___________against your sin is a very good sign that you are very much…

Corinthian Commands Part 5: Be Loving

1Corinthians 16:13,14 “Be on your guard; Stand firm in the faith; Be men of courage; Be strong. Do everything in love.” The ONE thing NOT to Love: “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” 1 John 2 v15 “Worldliness” Defined (See 1 John 2 v15-17 MSG) Worldliness: Snowballing Sin 2 Timothy 4 v10, James 1 v14-15 “Sin will take you farther than you…

Corinthian Commands Part 4: Be Strong!

“Be on your guard; Stand firm in the faith; Be men of courage; Be strong. Do everything in love.” 1Corinthians 16 v13,14   We Cannot Rely On Our Own Strength! Isaiah 40 v30; Psalm 20 v7,8; 1 Corinthians 1 v8-9 Even strong people – survivors and overcomers- encounter things they cannot face alone. Hope In The Lord = Strong In The Lord Ephesians 6 v10; Psalm 20 v6; Isaiah 40 v31. “There are no hopeless situations; there are only people who…

Corinthian Commands 3: Be Men Of Courage!

1Co 16:13,14 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.  The Problem Of Modern Man…  True Manliness: Surrender and Follow Christ True manliness develops by being transformed into the image of the Son of Man. (2Corinthians 3 v18, 5 v17.)  Stop conforming to the world’s mold and aim for something – SOMEONE – higher. (Romans 12 v2)  ABC’s of Courage Always Attentive: (Ezekiel 3 v17, Ephesians 5 v17, Hebrews…

Corinthian Commands Part 2: Stand Firm!

1Corinthians 16 v13,14 “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.” Stand Firm! 1 Corinthians 15 v58 Shifting Sands & Abolishing Absolutes Our society is dedicated to spiritual and ethical pluralism, but we believe in an objective, unyielding truth. There is a great temptation to drift away from the heart of the gospel. The Dangers of Drifting “We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have…

Corinthian Commands Part 1: Be Alert

Corinthian Chaos = Be Alert! (1 Corinthians 16 v13-14, 1 Thessalonians 5 v5-6) 1Co 16 v13,14 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love. Be Alert Against The _________. (1 Peter 5 v8) Be Alert Against The Threat Of _____. (Heb 3 v12-13, John 14 v15,23-24)) The less we trust, the more we disobey. The more we disobey, the less we trust. The more we trust Him, the more…

Not Done Yet Part 4:Why You Should Stay II

NDY1: Why people “Get done’ with church. Identity Crisis, Messy Church, Falling Away. Maybe you are being called to be the very thing you are searching for. NDY2: Why church matters. Church is not something you attend, it’s someone you are. The church is God’s idea. It’s a supernatural, amazing organism that is part of God’s plan to bring about His will and his Kingdom in this world. NDY3: Why You Should Stay. 1. A step out of church =…

Not Done Yet Part 3:Why You Should Stay

NDY1: Why people “Get Done’ with church. Identity Crisis, Messy Church, Fall Away. Maybe you are being called to be the very thing you are searching for. NDY2: Why church matters. Church is not something you attend, it’s someone you are. (1PET 2 v9-10) The church is God’s idea. (EPH 3 v7-13) It’s a supernatural, amazing organism that is part of God’s plan to bring about His will and his Kingdom in this world. (EPH 1 v18-23) NDY3: Why you…

Not Done Yet Part 2: The Case For Church

Last Week: Why dedicated people “get done”. -Identity Crisis -Messy Church -Falling Away… In all the “machinery” of church, we must never lose WHY we are here. Maybe you are being called to be the very thing you are searching for. The case for church. 1. The Church isn’t something you go to, it’s something you are. 2Co 6:16 For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among…

Not Done Yet Part 1: Why People Leave

l Love the Church… but I don’t like church? I want to see a revolution in how we gather, and what happens when we gather. …even dedicated, involved people can get “done with church”. Why do we “get done” with church? 1. Your identity becomes tied to what you do, not who you are. You’re a child of God, redeemed by a Savior who came for YOU. Gal 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live,…